Sunday, April 30, 2006


mplayer requires a gcc 3.x for compiling. on fedora core 4 installing compat-gcc-32 and entering export CC=gcc32 before ./configure does the trick

Friday, April 21, 2006


running "system-config-soundcard" on a fedora core 4 box always gave me "execl() error, errno=13". some consolehelper issue i guess ... running "
/usr/share/system-config-soundcard/" works around the problem.
box been a server with lots of changes and probably won't survive long in it's current state so i didnt feel like investigating further.

Monday, April 10, 2006


wanted to try the demeter terrain engine v4.0.
had to add ,CCFLAGS=['-I/usr/include/SDL'] to the env.Program call at the end of the samples SConscript files to make it compile.