Saturday, August 23, 2008

sauerbraten heightmap editing

somehow pressing H to enter heightmap editing didn't work on my brand new sauerbraten install.
the error message was "unknown command getheightmap"
entering it manually via "hmapedit 1" worked though so i
editbind h "hmapedit 1"
to the ~/.sauerbraten/config.cfg and now it works ...
good enough for now

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

wxwidgets wxglcanvas flicker

I'm not sure what update (drivers, wx) it was but somehow my wxglcanvas apps
started flickering badly. The cube and penguin sample programs did as well.
After some digging around i stumbled over WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER and that helped.
Needs to be passed to the constructor:

So now I have this: int Canvas::attribs[2]={WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER,0};
as a static member and pass it:
): wxGLCanvas(parent,-1,pos,size,wxWANTS_CHARS,name,attribs)

problem solved.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

wings3d compile

when trying to compile wings3d 0.99.03 i had to change
plugins_src/commands/wpc_constraints.erl line 18
... wouldnt find the lib otherwise and complain:

./wpc_constraints.erl:18: can't find include file "sdl_keyboard.hrl"
./wpc_constraints.erl:1136: undefined macro ''KMOD_SHIFT''
./wpc_constraints.erl:784: function mod_key_combo/0 undefined

to get the md3 plugin i also had to add it in plugins_src/import_export/Makefile
to the MODULES list at line 33
i just copied the compiled plugins/import_export/wpc_md3.beam to my binary install plugin directory then.