Wednesday, July 04, 2007

mingw openssl

to get openssl installed on mingw from source i had to copy all the headers it complained about to include/openssl and remove the test target from the makefile

mingw and libvorbis

when compiling libvorbis i got some undefined references:
undefined reference to `ogg_sync_pageseek' ...
fixed by changing the lib/Makefile after ./configure so that the LIB and OGG_LIB lines look like that:
LIBS = -L/local/lib -logg
OGG_LIBS = -L/local/lib -logg

sqlite 3 mingw

installing sqlite in mingw from source gave me an undefined reference to WinMain@16 from make install.
i only wanted the library anyway so removing sqlite3 from the install target in the Makefile solved that for me.