Wednesday, August 30, 2006

php and pear::db

ah the joys of "DB Error: mismatch" when converting mysql specific code to pear::db. if you generate a querystring and intend to use it for both normal queries (e.g. getOne)
and prepared ones you might encounter a few surprises:
& and ! are special chars for prepare and need to be escaped. if you escape them however you can't use the same query for normal queries or you'll get a syntax error. no i need to escape those via a function prior to using them in a prepared query :/.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

libsdl and system()

when using the system() function in a sdl app on windows you have to include windows.h or it will hang.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

sdl 1.2.11 compile with yasm

if you get a " ./src/hermes/mmx_main.asm:75: invalid argument to [SECTION]" error message when compiling sdl ... seems to be a problem when using yasm ... making it use nasm instead solves the problem.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

commandline length limitations and gcc

with commandline length being quite limited on some platforms it's not that hard to hit that limit with arguments you want to pass to gcc.
gcc @cmd.txt makes gcc read those arguments from a file.